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3 Easy Steps on How to Protect Your Personal Data

There are many cases of online security being perpetrated by anonymous hackers in order to get your personal information, financial data and other belongings that might be important for you.

The truth is that it is almost impossible to be totally secured from hackers and you are more likely to suffer from a hacking attempt if you are sloppy enough not to have protection and proper security.

With that in mind, in order to finally be completely secure and avoid as many hackers as you can, you should follow these tips to be a little more relieved when it comes to your online data, as well your privacy online.

Think A Little More About Security Questions


One of the best ways to recover your password is to answer some personal questions that might go from your favourite superhero when you were a child, to the name of your dog. These questions are really standard and serve the purpose of recovering your password if you ever forget it, but most hackers use these questions to obtain your password.

To avoid being hacked through these questions, you need to choose the ones that only you know, or even put your own answers and put an answer that only you can know. This way you’ll stop worrying about hacking attempts.

Dedicated Email for Passwords Only


Another intelligent move if you truly want to be secure from all hacking attempts, is to create a new email that only you know, and use it as a way to recover your passwords or want to use a two-step authentication system.

Not only having a dedicated email for these type of things is incredibly useful, but it is also a smart move if you want to protect your most important data, in addition, it would be great for you to write down the password of such email in case you forget it, and make sure the password is different from the ones you use with other accounts.

Being careful with your personal data is not a joke, neither avoiding hacking attempts, so follow these tips and you will be safe.

Create A Strong Password


Easy and reliable advice is to possess a great password. Your password can be anything you want, but if what you want is good protection against hackers, we recommend at least 10 characters, that includes both upper- and lower-case letters, as well a great combination of numbers and symbols.

The password doesn’t need to make sense, it can be a random combination of numbers and symbols, and the best way to really be secure is to write it down on a trusty notepad to help you a little bit.

Another smart move you can make is to use a password manager, since they are often secure and can help you enter your password almost automatic, and they also remember all the passwords you use in any type of website, so you can be safer while you browse the internet.


The Major Flaw of SHARE it And How Hackers Are Taking Advantage of It

Today there are many applications created for our devices that get the necessary requirements to become indispensable in our lives. One of them is ShareIt, an application capable of sharing videos, photos, and files through all our devices with fast movements and in a short time of waiting.

It is one of the most useful applications that have been created today and has become one of the most popular applications.

In the market of applications there are few that meet these features, but just like it has such good reviews, there are also bad things. Recently a very serious vulnerability has been discovered in the application that allows hackers to infiltrate the systems of users that have the application and can steal data. It is a big problem that attacks the personal data of millions of people.


Vulnerable Users

The vulnerabilities had been discovered in December 2017 and have begun to be corrected immediately by the team in charge of the company, although the technical details about the errors were revealed a few months ago to the surprise of many users.

Network security specialists mention that the details were kept hidden due to the impact of the vulnerability, ease of operation and wide range of attack that users could suffer.

Vulnerabilities can be exploited in a shared Wi-Fi network so hackers may intercept a device's traffic, among other malicious and counterproductive tasks it has been discovered that the attacker can even gain access.

Access is obtained due to no restrictions on the storage of the compromised device and hackers get all the data stored on a hard disk that could compromise the lives of many people, that is why the work to solve the problem.


To exploit the vulnerability, some simple processes are used where the attacker simply sends a curl command that references the path of the target file. After that, the specialists emphasize that you must know the exact location of the file to which it is pointed and, if not, you can simply copy all the files inside the memory and delete them in its entirety with a simple movement.

It is a very serious flaw and the experts are looking for the best way to solve problems.

The experts developed a proof of concept (nicknamed DUMPit!) with which they managed to download about 3000 different files (about 2 GB of information) in less than 8 minutes and thus made sure that the attackers had easy access to the data of the users, it was a test where good results were achieved to solve the problem.

This is how these problems have managed to create complete chaos within the user base of the ShareIt application. Experts are already solving most of the problems currently and a solution is expected to arrive in the coming days.


The Ultimate Gaming Guide – 3 Ways to Prevent Being Hacked While You Play

If you enjoy spending your free hours playing video games, especially online video games, you might be the perfect victim for a hacker.

Of course, you probably are a preventive player, aware of the risk that involves sharing your personal information or the kind of interactions you do while you play. But, honestly, when it comes to being completely safe from hackers, there is no magic answer.

Everyone can be potentially hacked, if they are not careful enough, that is why we are going to break it down and tell you the best ways you can avoid being hacked. We’ll also share some observations that you need to keep in mind the next time you log into your favourite MMORPG or your favourite game.

Have A Strong Password

Maybe you thought about having a really strong password for the game that really matters to you, as well as your personal information. But an important question you should ask yourself is: what do you consider a strong password?

The answer is that it is not the name of your pet or your favourite food, but a string of 15-20 characters that includes special characters (if the game allows it of course) lower and upper case and mostly random numbers.

Special tip: If you are struggling to remember your password, try writing it down in a notebook, and if you are too lazy to even type these characters, use a password manager for any of your games.

Two-Factor Authentication

A lot of video games (especially MMORPG’s) have the option of putting a two-factor authentication, making their overall system safer. Two-Factor authentication works simply; each time you log in they send you an email or even a code to your phone, so they can check if it is you.

This method is kind of tedious, but it can avoid potential hackers, and while there are a lot of games with this feature, not every game possesses it.

Special tip: While this might be common sense, avoid having the same password for your email, since that makes the whole process of a two-factor authentication useless.

Security Systems

If you enjoy playing an occasional online match in your favourite home console, there are some important facts that you should know about the privacy and the security.For example, if you play on PlayStation network, you might know that there is the chance that other players can see your full name.

Of course, this is something to be afraid of, and the good news is that you can avoid this by going into settings and checking the privacy settings, as well the online security options that most of the gaming platforms have, such as steam or Xbox live.

Special tip: Each time you create an account on one of these services, you should spend some minutes reading the terms of services and see if they apply some sort of security to your information, all with the purpose of being more familiarized with your home console and what you’re dealing with.

Security is an important issue, even more, if your personal information is involved, and while you might not be aware of the potential hackers that are around when you play online, they really exist and the best way to be totally secure is to follow these procedures.

How To Protect Yourself From Hackers

From Visually.


2 Tips to Prevent Xbox Live Gamer tag Hackers

One of the largest video game companies in the world is Xbox, where millions of users use their multiplayer servers to play with more people and unite the worlda little more. But there are several problems that occur when the computer hackers attack the users and steal their accounts.

The Gamertag is one of the main data of users who use Xbox and many people have lost it because of the attackers.In this article, we will review some of the best tips to avoid being scammed.

Install Antivirus


Most hackers get their password through viruses (malware) that have been installed on their computer without their knowledge (for example, when downloading a screen saver or toolbar).

It is important to clean your computer before changing your password. That way, they won't be able to get your new password and you can be sure at all times against the attack of computer hackers.

Change Password


Changing the password is one of the most important and necessary methods in this type of case. After you install your antivirus program, try logging in with your account. If you can still access your account, you should change your password immediately.

If you can't change the password, try restarting your password and find some way to save the information you need so that the computer attackers can never discover your personal data.

Preventing the account from being compromised in the future can take the following steps to keep your account safe and make it easier to recover if you are ever again engaged.

With these tips, it is possible to get maximum protection against the attack of hackers and various people who can damage most of the data that a user has inside his console or personal computer. These damages must be avoided at all costs.